‘The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine with St. Apollonia, St. Joseph & St. John the Evangelist’ att. to Francesco Brini (active 1540-1586)
On-site treatment of the panel painting ‘The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine with St. Apollonia, St. Joseph & St. John the Evangelist’ att. to Francesco Brini (active 1540-1586) at National Trust for Scotland property Falkland Palace.
Executed in oil on a poplar panel, the work was constructed from six vertical wooden members, supported with a complex metal cradle at the reverse. Due to historic building alterations within the palace, it was not possible to remove the painting off-site for treatment. A designated work area was therefore constructed and treatment carried out, over a period of several months, in full view of the public. Daily sessions were conducted at designated times to provide background and information regarding the project and artwork, as well as answer visitors’ questions.
Woodworm damage and splitting to the panel were treated and secured. Lost sections were infilled and supported. Layers of very discoloured and degraded natural resin varnish and old overpaint were removed. An isolating varnish layer was applied to the panel, prior to filling and retouching and the application of final varnishing layers. The existing frame was cleaned at front and back, protective lining and backing materials were prepared ready for refitting and rehanging of the panel by National Trust for Scotland staff.
Full documentation was provided.