Spanish Lustreware four handled vase with cover – Manises 1770
Vase decorated with four flying paradalots, surrounded by vegetation and strawberries, cherub heads surmount the four handles, the cover has a cleric wearing a cardinals hat as a handle. Height 390mm
Date completed : 19 February 2019 Duration : 12 Weeks
Previous repair to the neck of the vase, 10cms, head of one of the cherubs missing from one of the four handles. Clean and stabilize cracks around the figure of the cleric.
Work carried out
Clean with swabs, remove previous repairs, steam clean break edges, poultice cracks with Laponite and Japanese tissue.
Make a mould of missing cherub and throw a new neck out of clay. Fire, glaze and lustre glaze with copper lustre, bond new areas to original with Paraloid B72 and spots of gelled Fynebond, fill to match and retouch.