Rare Turquoise Pear Shaped Vase, Qianlong seal mark and of the period 1736 – 1795.
The vase had one large section broken from the rim with small associated losses and a stained hairline crack running round the belly. In order to ready the vase for sale the owner wanted to improve the stability and visual impact of the vase.
This beautiful vase has an intense turquoise glaze with a fine crackle. The challenge of the repair was to clean the damage and fill the losses without affecting the crackle pattern. Various tests and trials in discrete areas confirmed that cleaning of the cracks and break edges was possible using micro swabs and steam cleaner. Once dry the broken rim section was bonded into position using gelled Hxtal. More tests confirmed that I was able to consolidate with 20% Paraloid B-72 without affecting the crackle pattern. I opted to leave the Paraloid on all adjacent surfaces until the colourfills where completed. The advantage of leaving the Paraloid barrier in tack was to prevent the colourfill material consolidating the crackle pattern. Goldens acrylics in very intense thin application with a tiny brush where used to retouch the intense turquoise colour. The small glaze losses were filled with transparent colourfill while the missing rim section had a core fill containing titanium dioxide followed by a transparent layer. The layering of fills, polishing those fills and finally retouching allowed the glaze to be mimicked accurately with the final result being a discrete, honest repair with all materials restricted to the area of damage.