Painting, oil on oak panel, A Winter Landscape near a Town, by Klaes Molenaer
Major treatment on a structurally unstable and disfigured panel painting.
Date completed : 30 November 2019 Duration : 12 Weeks
Condition of the painting before treatment:
- The joint to the upper board of the panel was open, but had been fixed in this position via battens screwed onto the reverse.
- A thick discoloured varnish was disgiguring the painting.
- Discoloured old retouching was particularly evident within the sky and along the opened joint.
Treatment carried out:
- Removal of the discoloured varnish and old overpaint / retouching. Much of the old overpaint was not actually covering damage, but hiding the delicate technique of the artist.
- Rejoining of the open joint. The battens on the reverse were left fixed in place on the lower part. After rejoining the battens were only loosely secured to the upper board with strips of sailcloth.
- Filling and retouching of the re-glued joint as well as some old wear of the paint layer.
- Application of new varnish