Painting, oil on canvas, Portrait of a Cow
Extensive structural treatment and restoration of a vandalized painting.
Date completed : 14 December 2018 Duration : 12 Weeks
Condition of the painting before treatment:
- As a result of vandalism, the painting had been cut off its stretcher. The main part was completely separated from a narrow edge all around still fixed on the stretcher.
- The paint layer was flaking along the cuts. There were also various areas throughout with previous paint loss and flaking mainly due to poor adhesion between layers.
- Paint loss had occurred along the cuts.
Treatment carried out:
- Removal of the canvas edges from the stretcher. Flattening out of tacking edges and correct placing of the central canvas part inside.
- Local repair of the cut all around from the reverse with a fibre / adhesive mixture, including canvas inserts where necessary.
- Local consolidation of flaking paint from the front.
- Filling of losses.
- Lining of the repaired canvas for added strength.
- Retouching of filled losses.