A pair of silk boots
Posted: February 10, 2022I was commissioned to conserve a pair of calf length silk boots. The work came through a third party which presented challenges in communicating information within a tight timescale, dictated by the client. Ethical consideration were a priority and were at the forefront when considering the treatment. I considered and questioned the level of crease and soil removal, as well as the level interventive treatment. I drew on my experience of working at the British Museum when proposing the conservation treatment, taking into consideration the ethnographic nature of the objects and the ethical challenges posed. -
17th Century Mortlake Tapestry
Posted: February 10, 2022I was employed at Historic Royal Palaces (HRP) on a twelve month contract as a senior textile conservator. My role during that time was to project manage the conservation of a 17th Century Mortlake tapestry, which had been scheduled for conservation in the Conservation Collection Care (CCC) rolling programme. The tapestry was structurally stable but after many years on display was soiled with dust particles. The tapestry was cockled, with localised undulations. There were small areas of weft loss, resulting in the exposure of wool warps. Throughout the tapestry there was considerable restoration and patching of weak areas. Once the lining had been removed the extent of the patching and restoration work was evident from the back. -
Lyme book condition assessment project
Posted: February 4, 2022The National Trust’s (NT) library at Lyme contains approximately 1,760 books. As part of a national programme to survey the condition of the NT’s books, a team of volunteers was trained for a day to identify a range of conditions, ranging from torn and lifting covering materials to pollution damage. The work took one year, with 14 volunteers and 3 property staff involved and the data collected was entered into a specially-designed Excel spreadsheet. -
University of Glasgow Special Collections digitisation survey
Posted: January 14, 2022As part of an on-going digitisation of the Eighteenth Century Collections Online, the University commissioned a survey of 419 selected pamphlets and broadsheets, many bound with others in books and others in folders. The aims were to ensure that the material was stable enough to be digitised and, if not, to calculate the cost and timing of any necessary cleaning and repairs. -
Penrhyn Estate Collection, Map. Casgliad Ystâd Penrhyn, Map.
Posted: November 25, 2021Penrhyn Map 2217 dates from c.1850 and forms part of the Penrhyn Estate Collection held at Bangor University’s Archive. Yn dyddio o 1895, mae Map Penrhyn 2217 yn rhan o gasgliad ystâd Penrhyn sydd ar gadw yn yng ngofal Archif Prifysgol Bangor. -
Neath Abbey Ironworks Plans WGAS. Cynlluniau Neath Abby Ironworks GAGM.
Posted: November 25, 2021Neath Abbey Ironworks Plans forms part of the West Glamorgan Archive Service (WGAS) collection of over 8,000 engineering plans dating from the early 18th century. These plans have been listed on the UNESCO UK Memory of the World Register due to the insight they provide into developments during the industrial revolution. Yn dyddio o ddechrau'r 18fed ganrif mae cynlluniau Neath Abby Ironworks yn rhan o gasgliad Gwasanaeth Archif Gorllewin Morgannwg (GAGM). Fe'u rhestrwyd ar Gofrestr Cof y Byd UNESCO'r DU oherwydd y mewnwelediad a roddant i ddatblygiadau yn ystod y chwyldro diwydiannol. -
Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.
Posted: November 25, 2021A collection of 30 large technical drawings and plans (late 19th cent. - early 20th cent.) for cross channel steamers. Casgliad o 30 o luniau a chynlluniau technegol (dyddiedig o ddiwedd y 19eg ganrif i ddechrau'r 20fed ganrif) o stemars traws sianel. -
Chinese ebonised and lacquered tripod table with porcelain plaque
Posted: September 28, 2021Conservation and restoration of a Chinese ebonised and lacquered tripod table. The treatment involved cleaning, consolidation, replacement of missing parts and retouching the decorative surfaces. A long term care plan was provided to the client. -
Unusual Double Mainspring Musical Box
Posted: August 17, 2021Conservation of double spring musical box in mahogany case c. 1870. The top inlaid with floral marquetry. Case cleaning and treatment for worm. The movement was cleaned and overhauled. The box did not work and the fault was in wear in the governor staff and damage to the jewel as well as general dirt in the bearings. -
Conservation of a Daniel Quare Bracket Clock.
Posted: August 14, 2021Daniel Quare (1648 – 1724) was an important maker London maker. He was a contemporary of Thomas Tompion. He invented the repeating watch movement and the first portable barometer. This clock was made about 1705. It is a spring driven high quality bracket clock in an ebonised (stained black) case. It strikes the hour