King’s College Chapel Cambridge: South Porch Sundial
Conservation of sundial dated 1578; archive research in College Library; condition assessment of surface and substrate; analysis of pigments, gilding and stratigraphy and alterations by polarised light microscopy (PLM), FTIR, GCMS. Porosity testing of weathered and stable surfaces for comparison. Nano-lime consolidation and grouting to blisters/delamination to ground layers, stone and polychrome. Gilding and distressing; re-touching.
Date completed : 31 July 2018 Duration : 64 Weeks
- Development of project Listed Building Consent and Faculty application.
- Quantitative assay on weathering by-products; ion concentration measurements of gilding and polychrome surfaces/substrates; subsequent cleaning methods: primarily dry cleaning, with localised isotonic gel poultices for sulphation deposit softening to gilding and surfaces.
- Analysis of pigments and binding mediums from ground layers to later interventions.
- Tracing and documentation of alterations to painted lines and embossed scraffito lines.
- Syringe application of 5g/L nano-lime solutions, followed by 125g/L nano-lime grouts; fine air lime mortar buttressing and repairs.
- Gilding and repainting using light stable pigments bound in UV resistant stable binders.
- Nano hydrophobic suspension applied for future preventative maintenance of primary areas subjected to water flow.