Hatchment collections in Country Churches
Small and large collections of hatchments in Churches present many conservation challenges.
Determined groups of parishioners are key to driving forward such projects, often by obtaining National Lottery funding that also broadens out projects to provide interest and involvement for the local community.
A major project was at the Sufffolk Church of Kedington, where a cycle of ten hatchments , hung high up in the Nave, all needed to be cleaned, lined and restored, whilst respecting the fabric of the building and the complexities of liaising with Church Architect, parishioners, builders and scaffolders.
They had been repainted in the past, as well as having suffered from the vagaries of Church environmental hazards.
The original frames also needed cleaning and conservation, and appropriate back coverings and hangings had to be fitted.

Comments by the Diocesan Advisor for the Council for the Care of Churches after the work was completed:
Ms Whitehouse’s proposals …… have been presented in detailed and comprehensive appraisal reports….
I have found Ms Whitehouse helpful and approachable …. I know the PCCs have also felt the benefit of employing her as she has shared with them, and often the wider community as well, the importance of the piece under conservation and the technique she employs. This is concluded with thorough post-treatment documentation. A key attribute is Ms Whitehouse’s ability to work with other contractors as at Kedington where the conservation of hatchments had to coincide with a tight timescale to match conditions made by funders and the redecoration of the nave.