Frame conservation for ‘The Old Steps at Margate’ by C.F. Sorensen
Frame conservation for a private client. Readily detaching sections of compo were stabilised and re-laid. Discoloured bronze paint retouching was removed. Missing compo elements were cast and fitted. Selective re-gilding.
The conservation work primarily consisted of consolidation and stabilisation of the compo work and the replacement of missing elements The discoloured bronze paint retouching was removed and the frame was cleaned. The water gilding to the flat fillets was badly abraded and worn, so was re-gilded. The oil gilding to the bottom frame member had deteriorated and the condition did not match the surrounding frame members. The bottom frame member was selectively re-gilded. Following in-gilding to the repairs, toning and distressing of the new gilding ensured a cohesive gilding appearance, matched to the original.