Erhard, 19th Century single action harp – uncovering its original decorative scheme
To uncover and restore the decorative scheme on a rare survival of a 19th Century Erhard single action harp.
The project comprised removing layers of later faux bois overpaint from the harp’s sound box, column and neck to reveal its original decorative scheme, black background with a vermillion red decorative frieze. this removal was done mechanically with scalpels under magnification. Minimum retouching was carried out to allow what survived of the original scheme to be presented to advantage.
Then layers of bronze paint that had been applied to the column’s flutes and capital were removed chemically. these areas were then regilded in different colours of gold using several gilding techniques; water, size and oil for contrast. The new gilding was toned to blend in with the original decorative scheme that had been uncovered. The harp was then subsequently restrung and brought back into a playable condition.