Conservation and cleaning : South Riding Landscape Rowland Suddaby (1912-1972) Oil/canvas.
This landscape painting was torn, and suffering from flaking paint. It was covered in a heavy grime layer on top of a thin varnish.
Areas of flaking paint were secured by infusing them with Lascaux 4176 medium for consolidation (finely dispersed, aqueous dispersion of an acrylic co-polymer), followed by sealing with a heated spatula.
Debris and dirt were vacuum cleaned from the back of the canvas, and dust pockets cleared.
Deformations around the tear were faced at the front before using repeated moisture treatments to bring the canvas back into an even plane.
Threads were then taken from the turning edges, and used both to reconstruct and to support weakened and torn threads in the tear.
These were secured with starch/isinglass paste, and are reversible should the painting ever go on to be lined.