Banner of Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein. (1887-1976)
This banner was too large to take out of the church so had to be worked on inside. It was a very peaceful experience. I met a variety of people as they passed thorough the church gates and walked and chatted along the path. I picked up little snippets of everyday life. Little timebombs of conversations.
The banner belonged to Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein KG, GCB, DSO, PC, DL (17 November 1887 – 24 March 1976), nicknamed “Monty”. He was a senior British Army officer who served in the First World War, the Irish War of Independence and the Second World War
With the combination of the inflexible layers of paint and silk ground, splits had started to form. The banner also had surface soiling form hanging in the church and areas of blume. The banner was surface and mechanically cleaned to reduce the soiling and the splits supported with dyed silk crepeline patches which I had prepared with conservation grade adhesive before applying with a heated spatula.