Helen Lloyd ACR
About Me
Independent consultant in the Trusted Conservators network, offering preventive conservation advice and housekeeping training for the care of historic interiors and collections, enabling sustainable access and visitor engagement. Undertakes projects such as writing Collections Care plans for conditionally exempt chattels and historically associated objects (see Historic England/English Heritage guidance on Collections Management Plans - https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/siteassets/home/learn/conservation/collections-advice--guidance/drawing-up-collections-management-plan.pdf).
Former Preventive Conservation Adviser (Housekeeping) at the National Trust for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (39 years experience). Project manager for the National Trust Manual of Housekeeping (2005 & 2011) and author/co-author of 10 chapters.
Having trained as a ceramics conservator, I also offer condition surveys of ceramic and glass collections, and decorative art objects, with advice on priorities for treatment. I cannot undertake practical treatments, but can point clients towards accredited conservators with relevant skills and experience.
West Dean College (Edward James Foundation) - Diploma in Ceramics Conservation
Work History
National Trust for England, Wales and Northern Ireland: 2011-2020 National Specialists Manager, and (National Specialist) Preventive Conservation Adviser (Collections & Interiors); 2002-2011 Preventive Conservation Adviser (Housekeeping), and Ceramics Conservation Adviser; 1989-2002 The Housekeeper, and Adviser on Ceramics Conservation; 1982-1989 Assistant Housekeeper, and Assistant Adviser on Ceramics Conservation.