David Adamson ACR
About Me
With over 35 years experience of Working with stone and historic fabric David Adamson Accredited Conservator Restorer has the experience and skills to tackle any conservation project, from initial surveys, analysing the condition of a building, monument or object, through to the practical completion of a project with full treatment report.
David Adamson started his career as an apprentice stonemason in 1987, obtaining City & Guilds Advanced Stonemasonry in 1990.
In 1993 David enrolled on the Bournemouth University course Architectural Conservation of Stone and achieved a postgraduate diploma.
After training as a conservator David worked for a number of conservation workshops until setting up Adamson Conservation Ltd.
David is pleased to discuss any prospective projects or queries concerning all aspects of stone conservation. Adamson Conservation looks forward to hearing from you.
City & Guilds Advanced Stonemasonry at Greater Titchfield, London.
Bournemouth University course Architectural Conservation of Stone, achieved a postgraduate diploma.
Training and Personal Development. · Runner-up: SPAB John Betjeman award 2009. · Member of Icon and achieved Accreditation in Conservation and Restoration 2009. · West Dean College Preventative Conservation. 2009 · Stone Health Ltd Correct use of Doff and Torc systems.2007