Date completed : 1 June 2019 Duration : 4 Weeks
Rowena Doughty

Description: The collection consisted of Ferrogallic prints, Blue prints, tracing paper and plans on linen. There was a large amount of surface dirt on all of the plans, which were tightly rolled with some mechanical damage such as small tears.

Treatment: All of the plans were cleaned mechanically with smoke sponges and slightly humidified using an ultrasonic humidifier to relax the paper in order for them to be gently rolled out and dried flat. Plans with slight damage were repaired using a Spider tissue support on the back and RK00 on the face held in place with isinglass 10% adhesive.  The tracings were slightly humidified, then lined with two layers of spider tissue with a Wheat starch paste 10% and SCMC 2% in a ratio of 90:10 adhesive.  A hard/soft drying method was selected which reduces any drying tension in the tracing. 

All of the plans were partly encapsulated and stored according to their format.


Disgrifiad: Roedd y casgliad yn cynnwys printiau Ferrogallig, cynlluniau penodedig, papur dargopio a chynlluniau ar liain. Roedd llawer iawn o faw ar wyneb bob cynllun a bob un wedi ei rhowlio yn dynn ac o ganlyniad oedd ambell un âg niwed mecanyddol.

Triniaeth: Glanhawyd pob un o’r cynlluniau gyda sbwng mwg ac yna fe’i gwlychwyd ychydig gan ddefnyddio lleithydd uwchsonig i ymlacio’r papur fel bod modd eu hagor yn raddol a’u sychu’n fflat. Atgyweiriwyd cynlluniau gyda man ddifrod drwy ddefnyddio papur sidan pry cop ar y cefn a phapur RK00 ar yr wyneb a glud isinglass 10%.  

Dewiswyd dwy haen o bapur sidan pry cop a phast startsh gwenith 10% a SCMC 2% mewn cymhareb i 90:10 fel glud ar gyfer atgyweirio’r dargopiau.  I’w sychu defnyddiwyd y dull sychu caled / meddal i leihau unrhyw densiwn sychu ar y dargopiau.

Mewngapsiwleiddwyd yr holl gynlluniau yn rhannol a’u storio yn ôl eu fformat.

Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.
Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.
Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.
Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.
Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.
Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.
Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.
Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.
Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.
Ships plans, Anglesey Archive Service. Cynlluniau llongau, Archifdy Ynys Môn.

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